
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shiva is Vijay fan

The upcoming film by Pushkar-Gayathri is going to be an important film for Mirchi Shiva. After the surprise winner ‘Thamizh Padam’ Shiva had donned a different role for this. The film which was initially titled ‘Quarter Cutting’ will under go a name change soon. In this film Shiva plays the hero as a fan of Ilaya Thalapathi Vijay. Lekha Washington will be his love interest.
While talking to IndiaGlitz about the film Mirchi Shiva shared an interesting anecdote involving Ilaya Thalapathi. It goes like this. While doing the promotion for his ‘Thamizh Padam’ on a television call-in show Shiva got a call from a listener who appreciated him very much for the film.
The caller spoke as if he knew Shiva for long and was generous in his praises. It was only after a while Shiva got to know the caller was Vijay. Shiva was more than surprised at the humility of one of the biggest new generation stars and went speech less for some time.

Seeman and Vijay confirmed

Amidst his hectic political activities Seeman finds time to use cinema as well to propagate his revolutionary ideas. As the leader of the new political outfit that fights for the Tamil causes Seeman is busy like never before. But his love for the art of cinema is still huge.
Seeman's last film as a director ‘Vaazhthukkal’ staring Madhavan and Bhavana was released in 2008. Now after a gap of two years Seeman has committed a film which is tentatively titled 'Kobam'.
It will have Vijay working for the fire brand for the first time. Seeman recently confirmed the news. True to its tie ‘Kobam’ this film will also show its anger against the non-performing system which is glitter out side but rotten inside. It will have progressive messages relevant for the youth and well wisher of the land today says Seeman.
Kalaipuli S Thanu will produce the film and Chezhiyan will handle the camera.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Vijay issue resolved

According to news reaching us the issue between theatre owners and Vijay is amicably resolved. A settlement was reached with some last minute negotiations involving Nadigar Sangam also.
There was disenchantment between the actor and theatre owners after the theatre owners association raised a revolt against Vijay saying they had incurred heavy loses by screening successive Vijay films and so the actor was asked to compensate the loses in some ways.
As per the negotiations and agreement Vijay will take over the film ‘Kaavalkaran’ as a first copy basis and release it after settling the mutually accepted loses. And more the new film will be released in theaters which incurred losses screening Vijay films on priority.
‘Kaavalkaran’ is a remake of Malayalam hit ‘Bodyguard’. It also makes the return of Asin to Kollywood. The film is expected to be released in August.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The recent reaction of theatre owners after the release of Sura is one of the worst happenings in recent past. Time and situation changes everyone, but really not to this extent. The same theatres owners who once hailed Vijay as a Messiah to them, have all of sudden been projecting him as someone who has ruined their lives with unreal claims, that even God cannot approve.

What really hurts is their speeches as if he hasn’t given any profit to them. Vijay is the one who always wishes that everyone from parking boy to theatre owners to distributors and his producers earn profits from his films. And he managed to achieve it number of times which even earned him the Minimum Guarantee hero status.

We have a few questions to these protesting theatre owners.

1. If 5 Vijay movies continuously failed as per your claims, on what gut feeling you invested 50 lakhs in his 6th consecutive movie? This seriously lacks any logic. A Good business mind won’t commit same mistake for 6 times in a row. They still look at cashing upon his opening power and fans excitement to see collections for first few days. If they say it’s the trust they had on Vijay it is an escape statement to hide the real source of their losses and shift the blame on Vijay.


2. The 50 lakh MG concept would apply only for theatres in major cities like Chennai, Madurai, Kovai, Trichy, Salem and Nellai. Has the movie been sold for same amount to theatres located in places like Karur, Pollachi, Pazhani etc and the other rural areas of TN? We guess the rate is only according to area and projecting it as a Tamilnadu wise problem is again a media stunt.

3.What was the Ticket rates for first 2 weeks? Is any theatre following rules implemented by Govt of Tamil Nadu? People who saw the movie on 20th day paid a Ticket price of min 100. The first 5 days Ticket prices were 150,200 in many places whereas according to Govt norms it should be 50,75 even for an AC theatre. Few theatres outside Chennai has A/C only in its name. With ticket prices min of 100 till 20th day and reasonable crowd flow as confirmed by those who visit theatres, how could an owner face loss?

4. Just a Small calculation. Let’s take a Theatre capacity of around 1000. And a Vijay movie for first 10 days will have minimum 80% Crowd on an average. With theatre ticket prices at a min of 100 and Daily 4 shows, movie sold for 50lakhs. Let keep per Show 800 seats gets filled. Per day 3200 seats (Includes all 4 shows). For 10 days, 10*3200 seats= 32,000*100 ticket cost= 32,00,000.With having 60% average occupancy for next 10 days, with same calculation a theatre would get 24 lakhs back. This itself amounts to 56 lakhs returns roughly with minimum assumed values. Then where comes the claim of money? It looks more like an intentional act to degrade Vijay’s fame in Industry.

4. There is also a point mentioned by theatre owners that Kamal, Rajini, Mani Ratnam and T.R. compensated them. Let us know one thing. Did Kamal compensate for Aalavandhan or Anbe Sivam loss? He did only for Mumbai express which was his own Production. Did Rajni compensate for Kuselan loss? He did only for Baba which was his Own production. Its ages since Mani Ratnam or TR worked in a project for another producer. So its clear that everyone had compensated only for their own Production. If Vijay has been asked compensation for Aathi its fair. Claiming loss for other movies which wasn’t his own Production is heights of stupidity. If they are really failures, why would someone be willing to invest 50 lakhs on Sura after 5 failures?

5. Even after Sun pics themselves said Vettaikaran is their highest grosser, how can these people call that as a flop? If Vijay movies are been called continuous Failures, then what about most of the heroes who give a hit once in a blue moon and still rated as top heroes on par with Vijay? And calling al movies after Aathi as flops, which includes Pokkiri is he most ridiculous thing ever heard recently. And their most unrealistic claim that Sun Pictures cannot be responsible for this highlights their only motive behind all these. How can a distributor selling at a high price be responsible for their loss?!

6. The theatre owners must have forgotten that Vijay is the only hero in current generation who delivered 16 mega hits and several super hits to reach his 50th movie. The same complaining owners have looted lakhs and lakhs when Vijay delivered series of hits by setting high ticket fares, selling tickets in black on their own and providing poor facilities at high ticket rates.

Vijay is indeed the most profitable hero than any others in current generation and this was also said only by their fellow Theatre owners and also Producers and Distributors. All these media stunt looks clearly like a drama to create a negative image in the minds of people by keeping ahead false claims and provoking statements. Before pleading on basis of humanity they should have some gratitude for the person who has laid them Golden eggs when everyone else were delivering duds. When in future a time comes and Vijay delivers hits, let us see what these humanitarians speak about him and at least lets see if they have a heart to thank him for their profits


The fourth estate called Media is a powerful tool in a democratic country. We respect their power to either construct or destruct with the power of their words. But are they doing justice to the articles they write? Definitely not always. Especially almost never when it comes to what they write about Vijay. Those who are their eye candies get hailed every other day and if they are biased about someone, we are sure to see double standards in their articles on them. The hatred or bias which media has been showing of late towards Vijay is really shocking and this article poses a few questions to them on this:

1. Many websites wrote that Vijay will be banned following the recent uproar about Sura from few theatre owners. Anyone with commonsense knows banning an actor directly lies within powers of Nadigar Sangam or Producers council and not Theatre owners who are empowered to issue red cards to an actor’s films and not bans. This itself is a clear example of their attitude towards Vijay and what they really expect to happen. We wonder if they can write with same cruelty about any other hero in similar situation.

2. Every now and then we see articles criticizing Vijay to the lowest levels of even abusing published in websites and few magazines using unparliamentarily language. Aren’t journalists required to have some amount of professional ethics and maintain some levels of discipline when writing about celebrities?

3. Every Vijay movie is degraded with the tagline of “Only for Vijay fans” or by giving the lowest possible star rating with all negatives highlighted. Similar type of films from their eye candy actors or those who are influential will come with a totally different tone from same reviewers, and the star rating would be unbelievably high, not worthy of its value. And the review will definitely have a line which says all negatives are overcome by the performance of so and so actor. They can instead term themselves as fan sites of particular actors which would be more justified on their part.

4. When Sun Pictures, the distributors of Vettaikaaran themselves declared it as their biggest collection grosser, these media still try to project it as a flop. When Vijay movies that have been super hits were termed as just average, average movies are termed as flops and washouts by these media. Why cant they maintain the same scale of box office analysis for their eye candy actors or influential actors?

5. Of late, there has been a new trend to write letters and requisitions for Vijay claiming it as from the point of view of a fan which are nothing but injecting negatives in the form of sugar coated words when his movies are not received well. Why can’t there be articles from the same fans’ point of view when Vijay delivers super hits, and that time, we can see only “average” and “nothing new” kind of reports which has no meaning when most fans like a film.

6. Why can the media offer free advice for actors who claim themselves as family entertainers yet act in bedroom and exposing scenes, actors who does one movie every two years and yet every time come up with similar story of one song millionaire concepts and many others who commit blunders in the name of movies which neither benefits fans nor the people in business? Why do they have to turn their fake attention to Vijay when he has already planned for the change wanted from him?

7. As for Vijay, we have to notice the first and foremost thing that he has avoided any protest that’s against Media in the past as he feels a gratitude that they are ones who strengthen his position to what he is today. Other actors who attend these protests and speak abusive things on the press and media just because they were handed over the mike, as still treated as favorites by media.

8. Vijay is always an easily approachable media friendly hero who has readily agreed for many interviews to even those magazines in the past even when he was hurt by their comments on him and his films. A recent example is his interview to Kumudham in spite of their worst review for Vettaikaaran.

9. If Vijay doing commercial movies is a sin as projected by media, why can’t they offer some guidance to actors who have been acting in similar kind of stories for past 18 odd years or those who miserably fail to deliver bankable movies in a consistent manner and doesn’t even speak openly to media?

10. The festival editions, special editions of magazines will feature an interview of Vijay. They put up series about him to boost up their sales. Yet when it comes to writing about him, it is in the most inhuman way which readily buildup a negative impression in the minds of the readers. And even when their articles are least related to Vijay they use his face on posters to draw attention. Is Vijay a commodity to boost up their sales and then thrown away when they don’t need him?

This article is not intended to ask media to support or come up with articles that always shower praises on Vijay. We want to condemn their worst attitude towards Vijay and being unmindful of the fan power he has. Its high time they stop spreading rumors and publish writings degrading him and his films. They should try to do justice to their profession in whatever they do. Least, they need to posses some humanitarian traits and give respect for everyone’s feelings.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Genelia shoots with Vijay in Chennai

On Sunday (June 6) afternoon Genelia and Vijay did a photo shoot for Jayam Raja’s new film Velayudham, at a studio in Saligramam.
A source close to the unit say that Vijay looks handsome in the pictures and the chemistry between the pair is rocking.
About two weeks back Hansika Motwani, the other heroine of the film did a shoot with Vijay for the same film.
Velayudham is a remake of the Telugu Nagarjuna- Soundarya Azad and has Genelia playing a news reporter and Hansika is a girl from the village. Vijay plays a larger than life modern Robinhood type of character.
Genelia has featured with Vijay earlier in Sachin, which was just an average grosser. Velayudham is a very important film for Vijay and is produced by Aascar Ravichandran.